Lily and Lane Blog

Cleaning With Natural Products
If you are looking for a book that will help you on your natural cleaning journey, I recommend Home by Natural Harry: DIY Recipes for a Tox-Free, Zero-Waste Life by Harriet Birrell....
Cleaning With Natural Products
If you are looking for a book that will help you on your natural cleaning journey, I recommend Home by Natural Harry: DIY Recipes for a Tox-Free, Zero-Waste Life by Harriet Birrell....

What All First Time Gardeners Need To Know
No one talks about the number of tools you need to maintain a garden and a lawn when you've move out. Garden and lawn gadgets are extensive these days but if...
What All First Time Gardeners Need To Know
No one talks about the number of tools you need to maintain a garden and a lawn when you've move out. Garden and lawn gadgets are extensive these days but if...

Starting Your Own Home Garden In 3 Steps
Like all great projects the best way to get started on your very own vegetable, fruit and herb garden is planning. First Step - Plan and Vegetables and Herbs You...
Starting Your Own Home Garden In 3 Steps
Like all great projects the best way to get started on your very own vegetable, fruit and herb garden is planning. First Step - Plan and Vegetables and Herbs You...

How Aromatherapy Has Changed
Aromatherapy has changed dramatically over the years, scratch that, centuries.It is an age-old practice used in many cultures and countries. From aromatics using essential oil, fragrance and use in religious...
How Aromatherapy Has Changed
Aromatherapy has changed dramatically over the years, scratch that, centuries.It is an age-old practice used in many cultures and countries. From aromatics using essential oil, fragrance and use in religious...